***** The person who called Helleborus Christmas rose must be the lover of roses. Christmas roses look like roses with single flowers. They may be much more attractive than single forwer roses. I was deeply impressed when I found them with flowers under the snow in April. Here in Hokkaido, a Northernmost island of Japan, we don't have almost any flowers except Crocuses and Christmas roses in April.
Christmas rose, grayish purple
Christmas rose, pink
Christmas rose, green and Pulmonaria, blue
Christmas rose, apricot
*** Clematis, Alpina Willy, in the middle of May
***** Alpina Willy became taller and taller and it reached the arch top at last. Their flowers are so gentle and pink just like the early spring wind, which sometimes blows gently, but sometimes blows coldly.
Clematis, Alpina Willy
*** Wisteria, at the beginning of June
***** One day in my garden I heard some strange sounds. I looked up to find the Wisteria peas in my neighbor's garden popping around. Next year some Wisterias sprouted in my garden. Several years passed and this year I could see the flowers at last. They are still young and simple, but they look so nice under the crab apple tree, I am pleased with myself.
Wisteria, grown from seed
*** Clematis, Montana Elizabeth, at the beginning of June
***** Half of the tree of Montana Elizabeth died two years ago. Last year it bloomed but its size was still half. This year it was restored to its original size and volume. Volume is Montana's must!