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How to develop color schemes is an essential part of my gardening, though it is very difficult to realize a successful garden. Many gardeners may share my feelings.
The red garden and the yellow garden of this year are a little bit fascinating in my garden. Soft colors are always my favorites, but I noticed using hot colors carefully was another way to be a good gardener.
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East Garden East Garden, Pink rose:Bonica East Garden and East Arch from the north East Blue Garden East Arch from the north, Rose:Paul's Himarayan Musk
East Arch from the north, Purple rose:Cardinal de Richelieu East Garden, Rose:Chapeau de Napoleon East Arch from the south and Honeysuckle (left) East Arch from the south, Delphinium (right) East Garden from the west
Rose:Mozart Red Garden Red border, Rose behind:Violet Rose:ER Tess of the Dubervilles Bronze leaved Coninus coggygria
West Arch and rose:Violet Rose:Violet Yellow Garden Yellow border, Lily:African Queen Hosta and Coreopsis
Romantic Garden North Garden, Roses:Bourbon Queen and The Bishop North Garden and rose:Gunsei Rose:Gunsei and Foxglove East Arch and rose:Gunsei
East Arch and rose:Gunsei North Garden, Left:Bourbon Queen, Right:The Bishop West Garden, Yellow rose: ER Teasing Georgia West Garden, ER Gertrude Jekyll My Garden 2003

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