My Garden 2005

Though it's one year late, I'll show you my special spots in the 2005 season. At the pergola garden, you can see the good combination of Sombreil and a chair. There is a new border garden in the west. Under the crab apple tree, my old familiar roses bloom brilliantly.

*** Sombreil and a Chair ***

My favorite of this season is
this spot under the pergola.
Climbing rose, Sombreil
and a chair match well

I am deeply moved
by the noble beauty
of Sombreil.
A pure white flower with
the elegant apricot center
is so white against
the bright luster leaves.

Thanks to this spot, the pergola area becomes also noble(!?)
Both the lime green hosta and the lime green sage make this area brighter.

This area becomes colorful
as the other flowers bloom one by one.
I like Allium Giganteum because
it attracts attention in the garden.

I'm fond of pink color.
Front rose: Fantin Latour.
Center pink rose: Celsiana.

*** West Border Garden ***

The west side and the north side of our house are about 1 meter higher than the road. We changed these sides covered with lawn into a brick retaining wall three years ago.
I was very happy to know I could make a new border garden here. I ordered some roses from England in summer. I planted them at the end of autumn. Two years have passed since then and I can see beautiful roses now here in the border garden.

From the front rose: Konigen Von Danemark (Light pink)
Boule de Neige (white)
La Raine Victoria (Bright pink)
Under the roses, Artemisia,
Lavender, Periwinkle.

I can enjoy the border garden
of my dream now in my house.

The wooden fence made by my husband
is both useful and beautiful.

*** East Garden ***

My old garden under the crab apple tree becomes much more colorful with white and pink roses. Though it is actually a shade garden, I sometimes forget it because it is so brilliant.

Left white rose: Alba Maxima, center pink rose: Bourbon Queen, right magenta rose: The Bishop

The flower of Bourbon Queen is cool clear pink. It reminds me
this is a shade garden. I also like The Bishop very much because of
its strong magenta color.

*** Stanwell Perpetual ***

I'm so fond of Stanwell Perpetual under the pergola area. Though it has so many thorns and rampant branches, I forget all those things because the flower is so cute and lovely.

Don't you think so?

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